First create a javascript function with name EndGetData(), You can use any name.
this function will get executed after successfun call back.
function EndGetData(arg) {
Then Inherite your page by "ICallbackEventHandler" like
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page ,ICallbackEventHandler
Now use the following code in the page load method of the page.
String strfunction = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "arg", "EndGetData", "context");
String strcallbackScript;
strcallbackScript = "function CallServer(arg, context)" +
"{ " + strfunction + ";}";
"CallServer", strcallbackScript, true);
Here we have used two function in the client script(You can use any name for function.)
1. EndGetdata - Which will called after call back.
2. CallServer - Which will called in the begining of the callback.
Now call the CallServer() function on click of the button from the .aspx page.
<input type="button" onclick="CallServer('Passing_Parameter',"");" value="Click Me" />
string globalVariable;
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(String Passing_Parameter)
//Code for callback function....
//And store the output in the global variable.
public String GetCallbackResult()
//Do after callback result
//Return the global variable.
return globalVariable
If you have any query then feel free to comment.
this function will get executed after successfun call back.
function EndGetData(arg) {
Then Inherite your page by "ICallbackEventHandler" like
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page ,ICallbackEventHandler
Now use the following code in the page load method of the page.
String strfunction = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "arg", "EndGetData", "context");
String strcallbackScript;
strcallbackScript = "function CallServer(arg, context)" +
"{ " + strfunction + ";}";
"CallServer", strcallbackScript, true);
Here we have used two function in the client script(You can use any name for function.)
1. EndGetdata - Which will called after call back.
2. CallServer - Which will called in the begining of the callback.
Now call the CallServer() function on click of the button from the .aspx page.
<input type="button" onclick="CallServer('Passing_Parameter',"");" value="Click Me" />
string globalVariable;
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(String Passing_Parameter)
//Code for callback function....
//And store the output in the global variable.
public String GetCallbackResult()
//Do after callback result
//Return the global variable.
return globalVariable
If you have any query then feel free to comment.